व्य्ङ्ग a See p.1029, cols. 1, 3. व्य्-अङ्ग mfn. 1.mf(आ)n. (for 2. See col. 3) without limbs, limbless, deficient in limb, deformed, crippled, [AV.] ; [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. having no wheels, [BhP.] lamed, lame, [MW.] bodiless, ib. ill-arranged, ib. व्य्-अङ्ग m. m. a cripple, ib. व्य्-अङ्ग n. m. or n. a kind of cat's eye (a precious stone), [L.] व्य्-अङ्ग n. n. (w.r. for त्र्य्-अङ्ग, tripartite army, [MBh.] ) व्य्-अङ्ग mfn. 2.mfn. (for 1. See col. 1) spotted, speckled, [AV.] व्य्-अङ्ग m. m. freckles in the face, [Suśr.] a blot, blemish, stain, [Hariv.] a frog, [L.] steel, [L.]