व्य्-आप्त mfn. amfn. spread through, pervaded, extended, covered or filled with, thoroughly occupied or penetrated by (as the universe by spirit), filled up, full,
[ŚvetUp.] ;
[Bhag.] ;
[R.] &c.
धूमो वह्निना व्याप्तः comprehended or included under (a general notion), having invariably inherent properties, invariably pervaded or attended or accompanied by (in logic;
e.g. , ‘smoke is invariably attended by fire’),
[Bhāṣāp.] occupied, obtained, taken possession of
[MBh.] ;
[Prab.] ;
[Pañcat.] wealthy, rich,
[AitBr.] celebrated, famous,
[W.] placed, fixed,
ib.open, outspread, expanded,
ib.व्य्-आप्त bव्य्-आप्ति See p.1037.