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   { śanais }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शनैस्  n. ([RV.] ) or शनै॑स् ([ŚBr.] ) ind. (originally instr.pl. of शनq.v.; cf.उच्चैस्, नीचैस्) quietly, softly, gently, gradually, alternately, [RV.] ; &c.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शनैस् [śanais]   ind.
   Slowly, gently, quielty.
   Gradually, by degrees, little by little; धर्मं संचिनुयाच्छनैः; [Ku.3.59;] [Ms.3.217.]
   Successively, in due order; विषयाणां ग्रहीतॄणि शनैः पञ्चेन्द्रियाणि च [Ms.1.15.]
   Mildly, softly.
   Tardily, sluggishly.
   Independently. (शनैः शनैः slowly, by slow degrees). -Comp.
-चर a.  a. going or moving slowly; शनैश्चराभ्यां पादाभ्यां रेजे ग्रहमयीव सा [Bh.1.17] (where it means 'Saturn' also). (-रः) the planet Saturn.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शनैस्   Ind.
   1. Slowly, tardily.
   2. Independently, at will.
   3. Softly.
   4. Little by little.
   5. In order.
   E. शण् to give, to produce,) aff. ऐस and the consonant changed.
शण् ऐस

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