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   { śikhaṇḍakḥ }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिखण्डक  m. m. a tuft or lock of hair (= शिखण्ड), [Kālid.]
काकपक्ष   three or five locks left on the side of the head (esp. in men of the military class = q.v.), [W.]
   a curl or ringlet, [MW.]
   a peacock's tail, [Gīt.]
  n. du. (accord. to Sch.n.) the fleshy parts of the body below the buttocks, [TS.]
   (with mystic शैवs) one who attains a partic. degree of emancipation, [Hcat.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिखण्डकः [śikhaṇḍakḥ]   [शिखण्ड इव-कन्]
   A lock of hair left on the crown of the head at tonsure.
   Locks or tufts of hair left on the sides of the head; (these are three or five in the case of the Kṣatriyas); कुवलयदलश्यामस्निग्धः शिखण्डकमण्डनः [U.4.19.]
   A crest, tuft, plume.
   A peacock's tail.
   The fleshy part of the body below the buttocks.
   (With Śaivas) One who attains a particular degree of emancipation; also शिखण्डिक.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
शिखण्डक  m.  (-कः)
   1. Locks of hair left at the time of tonsure; three or five locks left in children in general, or especially those of the military class, in which latter case, the hair is left in a semicir- cular patch on each side of the head, covering rather more than the temporal bones, and following much the same outline: see काकपक्ष.
   2. The crest or lock of hair left on the crown of the head. 3. A peacock's tail.
   E. शिखा a crest, अण्ड an egg, and कन् pleonasm, or aff. of comparison; also शिखाण्डक and शिखण्ड .
शिखा अण्ड कन् शिखाण्डक शिखण्ड .

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