श्वस् 1. (cf. √ 3.-शुष्) cl. 2. P. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 61] ) श्वसिति (Ved. and ep. also श्व॑सति, °ते; Impv. श्वसिहि॑, [AV.] , श्वस, [MBh.] ; impf. [or aor. ] अश्वसीत्, ep. also अश्वसत्; Pot. or Prec. श्वस्यात्, ep. also श्वसेत्; pr. p. श्वसत्, ep. also श्वसमान [for श्वसमान See below]; pf. शश्वास, [MBh.] ; fut. श्वसिताGr. ; श्वसिष्यति, [MBh.] ; inf. श्वसितुम्, ib.; ind.p. -श्वस्य, ib.), to blow, hiss, pant, snort, [RV.] &c. &c.; to breathe, respire, draw breath (also = live), [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.; to sigh, groan, ib.; to strike, kill, [Naigh. ii, 19] : Caus. श्वासयति ( aor. अशिश्वसत्), to cause to blow or breathe &c.; to cause heavy breathing, [Suśr.] : Desid. शिश्वसिषतिGr. : Intens. शाश्वस्यते, शाश्वस्ति, ib. (only p. शाश्वसत्, snorting, [MaitrS.] ) श्वस् n. 2.ind. to-morrow, on the following day (श्व॑ श्वः, ‘day by day’; श्वो॑ भूते॑, ‘on the morrow’, ‘next day’), [RV.] &c. &c. in the future (sec comp. ) a particle implying auspiciousness, [W.]