सं-निकर्ष f. m. drawing near or together, approximation, close contact, nearness, neighbourhood, proximity, vicinity (ए, ‘in the vicinity of, near’, with gen. or comp. ; आत्, ‘from the neighbourhood or proximity of’), [Nir.] ; [GṛŚrS.] ; [MBh.] &c. (-ताf., [Kusum.] ) ज्ञान connection with, relation to, (in phil. ) the connection of an इन्द्रिय or organ of sense with its विषय or object (this accord. to the न्याय, is the source of , and is of two kinds, 1. लौकिक, which is sixfold, 2. अ-लौकिक, which is threefold, [MW.] ), [Śaṃk.] ; [Sarvad.] a receptacle, repository, [BhP.] सं-निकर्ष mfn. mfn. near, at hand, [Hariv.]