स—काश m. am. See s.v. स-काश mfn. bmfn. having appearance or visibility, visible, present, near, [L.] स-काश m. m. presence, propinquity, vicinity, nearness (used in the sense of a preposition, esp. after verbs of motion, such as ‘to go, come’, &c., with a gen. [or rarely abl. ] of a person, or ifc. ; e.g. सकाशम्, ‘to, towards, near’; सकाशे, ‘in the presence of, before’; सकाशात् or °शतस्, ‘from the presence of, from’; आ सकाशात्, ‘as far as, up to’ [the fire]), [ŚrS.] ; [Up.] ; [MBh. &c.]