Dictionaries | References


   { saukha }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सौख  m. m.patr.fr.सुख (of which it is also the वृद्धि form in comp.) g.शिवा-दि.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
सौख [saukha] प्र [pra] सुप्तिकः [suptikḥ]   (प्र) सुप्तिकः [सुखसुप्तिं मुखेन शयनं पृच्छति ठञ्]
   One who asks another person whether he has slept well.
   A bard whose duty it is to waken a king or any other great personage with song and music; भ्रमरा... गुञ्जन्तः प्रतिकमलं प्रबभुः सौखप्रसुप्तिका इव ते Cholachampū [p.29,] [verse 67.]

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