Dictionaries | References


   { sruc }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्रुच्  f. f. (nom.स्रु॑क्; prob. connected with √ स्रु and स्रुव॑) a sort of large wooden ladle (used for pouring clarified butter on a sacrificial fire; and properly made of पलाश or खदिर wood and about as long as an arm, with a receptacle at the end of the size of a hand; three are enumerated, viz.जुहू॑, उपभृ॑त्, and ध्रुवा॑, in which order they are used in sg.du., and pl.), [RV.] ; &c.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्रुच् [sruc]  f. f. A sort of wooden ladle, used for pouring clarified butter on sacrifical fire; (usually made of trees like Palāśa or Khadira); ऋत्विजां च्युतविकङ्कतस्रुचाम् [R.11.25;] [Ms.5.117;] [Y.1.183.] -Comp.
-जिह्वः  N. N. of Agni.
-प्रणालिका   the spout of a ladle.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
स्रुच्  f.  (-स्नुक् or -स्नुग्) A sort of ladle or long spoon, generally made of Vikankata-wood, and used to pour Ghee or clarified butter upon the sacrificial fire.
   E. स्नु to drop, (Ghee,) क्विप् aff., and चिट् final augment; also
स्नु क्विप् चिट्
   with टाप्, स्नुचा .


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
   See : दर्विकः

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