स्व—रस m. am. own (unadulterated) juice or essence,
[MBh.] ;
[Car.] &c.
natural or peculiar flavour,
[W.] proper taste or sentiment in composition,
partic. astringent juice or decoction,
[MW.] the sediment of oily substances ground on a stone,
[W.] -तस् own inclination (, ‘through own
incl° ’, ‘for pleasure’),
[ĀpŚr.] Sch. feeling for one's own people,
[Kāv.] instinct of self-preservation (?),
[Yogas.] analogy,
[L.] स्व—रस mfn. mf(आ)n. agreeable or pleasant to one's taste, congenial,
[Kathās.] ;
[TPrāt.] Sch. स्व—रस m. m.N. of a mountain,
[Pur.] स्व-रस bस्व-राज् &c. See
p. 1276, col. 2.