Dictionaries | References


   { hiṅṅgu }
Script: Devanagari


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हिंङ्गु [hiṅṅgu]  m. m., n. [हिमं गच्छति गम्-डु नि˚]
   The plant called Asa foetida.
   The substance prepared from this plant (asa foetida) for household use, especially in seasoning articles of food; अश्राद्धेयानि धान्यानि कोद्रवाः पुलका- स्तथा । हिङ्गुद्रव्येषु शाकेषु पलाण्डुं लशुनं तथा ॥ [Mb.13.91.38.]
   The Nimba tree; [Bhāg.4.6.17.]
   Comp. निर्यासः the gummy exudation of the hiṅgu tree.
   thenimba tree.
-पत्रः   the iṅgudi tree. (curly>

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