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Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
हेL   a or हेड् (cf.हेल् and √ हीड्) cl. 1. Ā.हेडते, हेLअते, हेलते, to be or make angry or hostile (क्रुध्यति-कर्मन्, [Naigh. ii, 14] ; only occurring in अ॑-हेLअत्, °लमान, and °Lअयत्, q.v.);
to act or treat carelessly or frivolously (अनादरे, [Dhātup. viii, 32] ; only in हेडमान, [R.] ; हेलमान, [MBh.] ; and Caus.हेलयति, °ते [cf.वि-√ हेल्] pf.हेलयाम्-आस, ib.);
cl. 1. P.हेडति (pf.जिहेड &c. Gr.), to surround, clothe, attire, [Dhātup. xix, 16] :
Caus.हेडयति (aor.अजिहेडत् or अजीहिडत्; cf. under √ हीड्) Gr.
हेL   bहेLअ, हेLअस् See √ हेड्, p.1303.

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