See झपाटणें and झपाटा.
sapāṭaṇēṃ & सपाटा Commonly झपाटणें or चपाटणें & झपाटा. 2 सपाटा, besides having senses and uses in common with झपाटा, confers, when prefixed to names of objects, the sense of Hugeness or enormousness, with the force of the words Monster or hulk; as सपाटा डोंगर, सपाटा झाड, सपाटा धोंडा, सपाटा वाडा-इमारत-घर, सपाटा साप; and, more freely, सपाटा पाऊस, सपाटा पीक, सपाटा ऊस &c.
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