Long-lived. 2 Living.
āyuṣmān m S The third of the twenty-seven योग.
ĀYUṢMĀN Kaśyapa, son of Marīci, got two sons, Hiraṇyākṣa and Hiraṇyakaśipu and a daughter Siṁhikā, of his wife Diti. Siṁhikā became the wife of Vipracitti. Of her were born the celebrated asuras, Saiṁhikeyas, of which Rāhu was one. Hiraṇyakaśipu had four brave sons, Anuvrāta, Vrāta, Prahlāda and Saṁhrāda. Of these Vrāta got a son Vrata, Saṁhrāda got Āyuṣmān, Śibi, and Bāṣkala and Prahlāda got a son, Virocana. Mahābali was the son of Virocana. [Chapter 19, Agni Purāṇa] .
See : चिरंजीव
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