दक्षिण—तस् n. ind. ([Pāṇ. 5-3, 28] ) from the right or south, on the right side or southward from (
gen. ), [RV.] &c. (with √ अस् or भू, ‘to stand at the right side of. assist’, viii, 100, 2; x, 83, 7; [AV. xviii] ; with √ कृ = °णेन with √ कृ, [BhP. v, 23, 1] ; with पुर॑स्तात् or °रस्, south-east, [ŚBr. xiii] ; [MBh. ii] )
दक्षिणतस् ind. Southward, southerly.
तसि added to दक्षिण .
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