VITASTĀ A river famous in the Purāṇas. Mention is made about this river in Ṛgveda. Important rivers mentioned in Ṛgveda are, Kubhā, Sindhu, Suvāstu Vitastā, Asiknī, Paruṣṇī, Śatadrū, Sarasvatī and Yamunā. These rivers were more important than the Ganges in those days. Mention is made about the Ganges only once in Ṛgveda. Perhaps the Āryans were not acquainted with the Gangetic basin in those days. The region from the rivers Kubhā to Yamunā was Āryadeśa (the country of the Āryans). The information about this river Vitastā given in [Mahābhārata] is given below:--
(i) The river Vitastā is the same river as Jhelum in Kashmir. The deity (goddess) of this river stays in the palace of Varuṇa and praises him. [M.B. Sabhā Parva, Chapter 9, Stanza 19] .
(ii) By worshipping the Devatās and the Manes after taking bath in this river, one could obtain the fruits of performing the sacrifice Vājapeya. In Kashmir, Takṣaka the King of the Nāgas has a famous palace known as Vitasta. [M.B. Vana Parva, Chapter 82, Stanza 39] .
(iii) Once four hundred horses with black ears, owned by Brahmins were caught in the current of this river and carried away. [M.B. Udyoga Parva, Chapter 119, Stanza 8] .
(iv) If anybody bathes in the waves of the river Vitastā, with vow and fasts, for seven days he would become as pure as a hermit. [M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 25, Stanza 7] .
(v) Once Pārvatī made a speech before Śiva on the duties of women, after receiving advice from rivers. The river Vitastā was one of the rivers which advised Pārvatī. [M.B. Anuśāsana Parva, Chapter 146, Stanza 18] .
वि-तस्ता f. af. See below
वितस्ता [vitastā] N. N. of a river in the Punjab called Hydaspes by the Greeks and now called Jhelum or Betustā.
वि-तस्ता n. bf.
N. of a river in the Panjāb (now called Jhelum or Bitasta or Bihat = the Hydaspes or Bidaspes [Ptolemy] of the Greeks; it rises in Kaśmīr; cf. पञ्च-नद), [RV.] ; [MBh.] &c. (-त्वn., [Rājat.] )
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