hiṅgatūpa & हिंगधूप Formations with हिंग Assafœtida, तूप Clarified butter, and धूप Frankincense--three articles of household-consumption in continual requisition; representing here therefore, comprehensively, the minor and miscellaneous and constantly recurrent expenditures of a family under the heads of Board and Idol-worship. The use is confined to the oblique cases, and in phrases with such verbs as जाणें, उडणें, खरचणें &c.; when statement is to be made of small expenses contracted, or illustration is to be adduced of the slipperiness of money. Ex. हिंगातुपास or हिंगातुपाखालीं, or हिंगातुपावारी त्यानें सगळी संपत्ति उडविली. Also हिंगाधुपास, हिंगाधुपा- खालीं &c.
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