Dictionaries | References f forces Script: Latin Meaning Related Words Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 forces व्यवसाय व्यवस्थापन | English Marathi | | न. सेनादल स्त्री. सेना Related Words parallelogram of forces van der waals forces gravitational forces ground forces forces resolution of forces forces are in equilibrium armed forces balanced forces system of forces territorial forces disequlibriating forces dispersion forces economic forces effective forces electromotive forces intranuclear forces land forces naval forces contending forces defence forces productive forces composition of forces concurrent forces equilibrium of three forces parallelogram law of forces auxiliary and inaian teritorial forces centre of parallel forces सेनाभार बलसमूह बलोत्साह साधनाध्यक्ष बलक्षोभ निरासङ्ग sphere of attraction nonconservative बलविन्यास broken-bond water market behavious potentiometry price mechanism chemisorption haemodynamics वैबाध अश्र्वभार भावबल मारुतस्कन्ध पञ्चबल पुण्यबल surface energy theory of market behaviour market behaviour interatomic intermolecular debunching conservative system स्वचक्र aerodynamics perfect fluid antagonistic पार्ष्णित्र potentiometer hydrodynamics बलस्थिति यथाबलम् statics torsion balance magnetic field dynamics endodynamomorphic soil kinetics सेतुबंध troop infiltration कुमक अनीक लागीर static tension dynamic neutralise physical सैनिक dynamometer अनीकिनी composition personality mechanics compensation सेतुबन्ध वाहिनी shear stable market वल शल्यम् rear field पार्ष्णि levy Folder Page Word/Phrase Person Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP