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general average

Script: Latin

general average

बैंकिंग शब्दांवली  | English  Marathi |   | 
   १.सामान्य औसत २.सामान्य बीमा क्षति

general average

   = general average loss
   सर्वसाधारण हानी सरासरी

general average

लोकप्रशासन  | English  Marathi |   | 
   Marine Insurance (a loss that arises from the voluntary sacrifice of part of a ship or cargo to save he residue of ship or cargo or from extraordinary expenses incurred in protecting the interest involved under pressure of a common risk and that is shared proportionally by all parties concerned - as opposed to partivular average) सामान्यीकृत हानिसरासरी, सर्वसामान्य हानिसरासरी

general average

न्यायव्यवहार  | English  Marathi |   | 
  स्त्री. (a contribution made by the proprietors in general of ship or cargo towards the loss sustained by any individual of their number) सर्वसाधारण हानिसरासरी

general average

विकृतीशास्त्र  | English  Marathi |   | 
   सर्वसाधारण सरासरी

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