कृपः [kṛpḥ] The maternal uncle of अश्वत्थामन्. [He was born of the sage Śaradvat by a nymph called Jānapadī, but along with his sister Kṛipī, also born from the nymph, he was brought up by Śantanu. He was proficient in the science of archery. In the great war he sided with the Kauravas, and after all had been slain he was given an asylum by the Pāṇḍavas. He is one of the seven Chirajīvins.] कृपश्च समितिञ्जयः [Bg.1.8.]
कृप n. रुशम एवं श्यावक के साथ इंद्र के सहायक के रुप में आया है [ऋ. ८. ३. १२,४.२] ।
कृप m. m.
N. of a man (described as a friend of इन्द्र), [RV. viii, 3, 12 and 4, 2]
कृप mf. mf(
ई). N. of the son and daughter of the sage शरद्वत् (who performed severe penance; the jealous इन्द्र therefore sent a nymph to tempt him, but without success; however, twin sons were born to the sage in a clump of grass [शर-स्तम्बे], who were found by king शान्तनु and out of pity [कृपा] taken home and reared; the daughter, कृपी, married द्रोण, and had by him a son called अश्वत्थामन्; the son, कृप, became one of the council at हस्तिनापुर, and is sometimes called गौतम, sometimes शारद्वत; according to, [Hariv.] and, [VP.] , कृप and कृपी were only distant descendants of शरद्वत्; according to others, कृप = व्यास or = a son of कृष्ण), [MBh. &c.]
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