परिमृज् [parimṛj] 2 [P.]
To wipe off or away, wish out, remove; (वाच्यं) त्यागेन पत्न्याः परिमार्ष्टुमैच्छत् [R.14.35.]
परि-√ मृज् a
P. -मार्ष्टि, -मृजति, -मार्जति, मार्जयति (rarely Ā. e.g. Pot. -मृजीत, [Gobh.] ; ind.p. -मृज्य; inf. -मार्ष्टुम्, or -मार्जितुम्), to wipe all round, wash, cleanse, purify, [RV.] &c. &c.; (with चक्षुषी) to wipe tears from the eyes, [MBh.] ; [R.] ; (also Ā. ) to cleanse or rinse the mouth, Gant, [Āpast.] ; [Gobh.] ; [MBh.] ; to touch lightly, stroke, [MBh.] ; to wipe off or away, remove, efface, get rid of (acc. ), [R.] ; [Kālid.] ; [BhP.] : Pass. -मृज्यते, to be rubbed or worn out by use (as teeth), [MBh. xii, 5303] : Intens. -मर्मृज्यते, to sweep over (acc. ), [RV. i, 95, 8] ([Sāy.] ‘to cover with radiance’). 2.
To rub, stroke.
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