Dictionaries | References


   { andha }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   There is a story in M.B., about a huntsman, Vaṭaka killing one Andha, an evil being. Andha whose form and shape were that of an animal, by doing tapas, became recipient of a boon for destroying everything. Brahmā rendered him blind lest the world perish, and that animal began to be known as Andha. When Andha began his programme of complete destruction many people rushed up to Viśvāmitra in his abode in the forest. Andha followed them. But, Viśvāmitra, in the interests of self-protection pointed out the refugees to Andha. As punishment for this sin Viśvāmitra had once to go to hell. This story was related by Kṛṣṇa to Arjuna during the great war at Kurukṣetra, and the reason for telling the story was this: During the fight Arjuna hesitated to aim arrows against Karṇa. Enraged by this attitude of Arjuna Dharmaputra asked him to hand over his famous bow, Gāṇḍīva to Śrī Kṛṣṇa. Feeling insulted at this demand Arjuna, all on a sudden, drew his sword to do away with Dharmaputra. Śrī Kṛṣṇa, prevented Arjuna from attacking his noble brother, and in this context related the above story to prove the truth that sins committed even unwittingly will lead one, as in the case of Viśvāmitra to hell. [M.B., Karṇa Parva, Chapter 69] .
ANDHA I   An offspring of Kaśyapa by his wife Kadrū. [M.B., Udyoga Parva, Chapter 103, Verse 16] .
ANDHA III   Upamanyu, the excellent disciple of Dhaumya, consumed the leaves of a tree which made him blind. (See Ayodhadhaumya) [M.B., Ādi Parva, Chapter 3] .


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 
   See : मूर्ख, जल, अंधा, उल्लू, चमगादड़, अंधकार, अंधा, अंध, अंध, अंध


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्ध  mfn. mf()n. blind
अन्ध  n. n. darkness
   turbid water, water
अन्ध  m. m. pl.N. of a people.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्ध [andha]   a.
   Blind (lit. and fig.); devoid of sight, unable to see (at particular times); दिवान्धाः प्राणिनः केचिद्रात्रावन्धास्तथापरे; D. Bhāg. made blind, blinded; स्रजमपि शिरस्यन्धः क्षिप्तां धुनोत्यहिशङ्कया [Ś.7.24;] मदान्धः blinded by intoxication; so दर्पान्धः, क्रोधान्धः; काम˚ लोभ˚ अज्ञान˚ अज्ञाना- न्धस्य दीपस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया । चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः ॥; सहजान्धदृशः स्वदुर्नये [Śi.16.29] blind to his own wicked acts.
   Making blind, preventing the sight; utter, pitchy; complete, thick (darkness) प्रधर्षितायां वैदेह्यां बभूव सचराचरम् । जगत्सर्वममर्यादं तमसान्धेन संवृतम् ॥ [Rām 3.52.] 9. [Ms.8.94;] सीदन्नन्धे तमसि [U.3.33;] [Māl.9.8.2;] See ˚कूप, ˚तामसम् infra.
   Afflicted. आर्यः पर्युषितं तु नाभ्य- वहरत्यन्धः क्षुधान्धोऽप्यसौ [Viś. Guna.11.]
   Soiled, tarnished; निःश्वासान्ध इवादर्शश्चन्द्रमा न प्रकाशते [Rām.3.16.13.] -न्धम् Darkness. अन्धः स्यादन्धवेलायां बाधिर्यमपि चाश्रयेत् [Mb. 1.14.12.]
   Spiritual ignorance; अज्ञान or अविद्या q.v.
   Water; also, turbid water.
   धः A kind of mendicant (परिव्राजक) who has completely controlled his organs; तिष्ठतो व्रजतो वापि यस्य चक्षुर्न दूरगम् । चतुष्पदां भुवं मुक्त्वा परिव्राडन्ध उच्यते ॥
   An epithet of the zodiacal signs at particular periods; (नष्टद्रव्यलाभालाभोपयोगयुक्तो राशिभेदः); मेषो वृषा मृगेन्द्रश्च रात्रावन्धाः प्रकीर्तिताः । नृयुक्कर्कटकन्याश्च दिवान्धाः परिकीर्तिताः ॥
-न्धाः   (pl.) N. of a people; see अन्ध्र. -Comp.
-अलजी   a blind boil or abscess in the eyes (one that does not open or suppurate). (Ved. अलजि विसल्पस्य विद्रधस्य वातीकारस्य वालजेः [Av.9.8.2.] )
-अहिः, -अहिकः   a blind serpent, i. e. one that is not poisonous. (-हिः,
-हिकः)  N. N. of a fish (कुचिका).
-कारः [अन्धं करोति]   darkness (lit. and fig.); लीनं दिवाभीतमिवान्धकारम् [Ku. 1.12;] काम˚, मदन˚; अन्धकारतामुपयाति चक्षुः [K.36] grows dim; बाष्पजलधारान्धकारितमुखी [K.161,286.]
-कूपः [अन्धयतीत्यन्धः, अन्धः   कूपः]
   a well, the mouth of which is hidden; a well overgrown with plants &c.
   [अन्धस्य दृष्टयभावस्य कूप इव] mental darkness, infatuation.
  N. N. of a hell, to which those who tease and kill harmless creatures are condemned.
-तमसम्   (P.V.4. 79.)
-तामसम्, -न्धातमसम्   deep or complete darkness; लोकमन्धतमसात्क्रमोदितौ [R.11.24;] अन्धतमसमिव प्रविशामि U.7 the gloom of hell; प्रध्वंसितान्धतमसस्तत्रोदाहरणं रविः [Śi.2.33.] (-सा) night.
-तामिस्रः, श्रः (-स्रम्   also)
   complete or deep darkness (especially of the soul); तामिस्रोष्टदशधा तथा भवत्यन्धतामिस्रः Sāṅ [K.48] (भयविशेषविषयकोऽभिनिवेशः); तस्यामन्धतामिस्रमभ्यध्यायत् [Mv.1.]
   spiritual ignorance (देहे नष्टे अहमेव नष्टः इति रूपमज्ञानम्); enveloped in utter darkness.
   (स्रः, स्रम्) N. of a division of Tartarus or infernal regions, the second of the 21 hells to which those who seduce the wives of others and enjoy them are condemned. According to Bhavabhūti persons committing suicide were condemned to this hell; cf. अन्धतामिस्रा ह्यसूर्या नाम ते लोकास्तेभ्यः प्रतिविधीयन्ते य आत्मघातिन इत्येवमृषयो मन्यन्ते [U.4;] तामिस्रमन्धतामिस्रं महारौरवरौरवौ । नरकं कालसूत्रं च महानरकमेव च ॥ [Ms.4.88,197;] [Y.3.224;] doctrine of annihilation after death.
   Death मोहोऽप्रकाशस्तामिस्रमन्धतामिस्रसंज्ञितम् । मरणं चान्धतामिस्रं तामिस्रं क्रोध उच्यते ॥ [Mb.12.313.25.]
-धी a.  a. mentally blind.
-पूतना   a demoness supposed to cause diseases in children; यो द्वेष्टि स्तनमतिसारकासहिक्काछर्दीभिर्ज्वर- सहिताभिरर्द्यमानः । दुर्वर्णः सततमधःशयोऽम्लगन्धिस्तं ब्रूयुर्वरभिषजोन्ध- पूतनार्तम् [Suśr.]
-मूषा   a small covered crucible with a hole in the side.
-मूषिका [अन्धं दृष्ट्यभावं मुष्णाति, मुष्-ण्वुल्]  N. N. of a plant or grass देवताड (तत्सेवनेन चक्षुष्मत्ता भवतीति वैद्यकप्रसिद्धिः).
-रात्री   dark night (Ved).
-वर्त्मन्  m. m. [अन्धं सूर्यप्रकाशराहित्याद्वर्त्म यत्र] the seventh skandha or region of wind.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अन्ध   (-त)
   r. 10th cl. (अन्धयति) To be or become blind.
अन्ध  mfn.  (-न्धः-न्धा-न्धं) Blind.
  n.  (-न्धं)
   1. Darkness.
   2. Water.
   E. अन्ध to be blind, and अच् aff.
अन्ध अच्

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