Dictionaries | References


   { ūha }
Script: Devanagari
See also:  ऊहु


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   ūha m S Reasoning or inferring. 2 See उहू Sig. I.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  m  Reasoning or inferring.


   तर्क ; अजमास ; अंदाज ; तर्कज्ञान .
   परिस्थित्यनुरुप बदल केलेला ( शास्त्रवचनांत वगैरे ). उहू अर्थ १ पहा . [ सं . ]
०चाळणें   प्रतिपादन करणें . अर्थी असत्याचा बडिवारु । सद्भावें केला जो सदगुरु । त्यासि मिथ्या नास्तिक विचारु । एकांतीं नरु ऊहु चाळी । - एभा २३ . २२७ .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऊह  m. 1.m. removing, derangement, transposition, change, modification, [Lāṭy.] ; [ŚāṅkhŚr.] ; [Pat.] &c.
   adding, addition, [Car.]
ऊह  m. 2.m. the act of comprehending, conceiving
   consideration, deliberation, examination
   supposition, conclusion, inference, [MBh.] ; [BhP.] ; [Mn.] &c.


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऊह [ūha] a.  a. Observed, perceived.
-हः   [ऊह्-घञ्]
   A change, modification. ऊहदर्शनं न विवक्षितार्थानामेव भवति । ŚB. on [MS.1.2.52.] ऊह forms the subject-matter of जैमिनि's मीमांसासूत्र, अध्याय IX. It is said to bo of three varieties; cf. त्रिविधश्च ऊहः मन्त्रसामसंस्कारविषयः ŚB. on [MS; 9.1.1.]
   A guess, conjecture; [Mb.5.33.28.]
   Examination and determination.
   Reasoning, arguing.
   Supplying an ellipsis.
   Attributing, ascribing.
   Collection. -Comp.
-अपोहः   full discussion, consideration of the pros andcons; इमे मनुष्या दृश्यन्ते ऊहापोहविशारदाः [Mb.13.145.43;] ऊहापोहमिमं सरोजनयना यावद्विधत्तेतराम् [Bv.2.74;] see अपोह.-गानम् N. of the third Gāna or hymn-book of the Samaveda.
-च्छला  f. f. N. of a chapter of the Sāmaveda Chchhalā.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
ऊह   r. 1st cl. (ऊहते) To reason, to apprehend and infer:
   with प्र and वि to intermit;
   with वि, to array in order of battle;
   with सम् prefixed, (समूहति or -ते) to assemble or to be assembled.
ऊह  mfn.  (-हः-हा-हं)
   1. Reasoning.
   2. Completing a defective sentence or verse, supplying an ellipsis.
   E. ऊह् to deliberate, घञ् affix, or with ल्युट् affix, ऊहन.
ऊह् घञ् ल्युट् ऊहन

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