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   { karaṅkḥ }
Script: Devanagari


हिन्दी (hindi) WN | Hindi  Hindi |   | 


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करङ्क  m. m. the skull, head, [Kathās.] ; [Mālatīm.]
   a cocoa-nut hollowed to form a cup or vessel, [L.]
   a kind of sugar-cane (cf. the next), [L.]
   any bone of the body, [L.]
करङ्क   [cf.Gk.κάρυον, κέρας, καρκίνος; Lat.carina, cornu, cancer; Eng.horn; cf.karka.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करङ्कः [karaṅkḥ]   1 A skeleton.
   The skull; प्रेतरङ्कः करङ्का- दङ्कस्थादस्थिसंस्थं स्थपुटगतमपि क्रव्यमव्यग्रमत्ति [Māl.5.16;] also 5.19; प्रेतरङ्कोऽङ्कमारोप्य करङ्कमकुतोभयः [Śiva. B.14.79.]
   A small pot (of cocoa-nut); a small box, as in ताम्बूलकरङ्कवाहिनी (used in Kādambarī); cf. also रौप्यान् रौक्मांश्च पर्यङ्कान्, करङ्कांश्च पतद्ग्रहान् [Śiva. B.17.43.]
   A kind of sugar-cane.
   any bone of the body. -Comp.
-शालिः   A sort of sugar-cane.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करङ्क  m.  (-ङ्कः)
   1. The head.
   2. A cocoanut hollowed so as to form a cup or vessel.
   3. any bone of the body.
   4. A kind of sugar-cane.
   E. कॄ to send or throw, &c. अंक aff.

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