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   { karūṣḥ, karūṣa (m), karūṣa }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
   One of the nine sons of Vaivasvata Manu. The other sons are: Ikṣvāku, Nābhāga, Dṛṣṭa, Śaryāti, Nariṣyanta, Prāṁśunāga, Diṣṭa and Pṛṣadhra. [7th Skandha, Devī Bhāgavata] .
KARŪṢA (M)   A place in ancient India. Historians are of opinion that it is the Bundelkhaṇḍa of modern India. The sin of Brahmahatyā (killing of brahmins) of Indra was washed away by brahmins at this place. The place where Karīṣa (cowdung) from Indra fell was called Karīṣa and it gradually became Karūṣa. (See under Aṅgamalaja).
KARŪṢA I   A King of Kārūṣa. A lady of name Bhadrā was performing penance to get this King as her husband when Śiśupāla carried her away. [Śloka 11, Chapter 45, Sabhā Parva] .
KARŪṢA III   A Yakṣa. This Yakṣa accompanied by his brothers performed penance on the shores of the river Kālindī, to propitiate Devī, taking in only air. Devī was pleased and appearing before him in person said “You will become the lord of Manvantara”. [Skandhas 10 and 13, Devī Bhāgavata] .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करूष  m. m. pl.N. of a people, [MBh.] ; [Hariv.] &c.
करूष  m. m.N. of दन्त-वक्र (a king of that people), [MBh. ii, 577]
   N. of a son of मनुवैवस्वत (the founder of the above people), [Hariv.] ; [BhP. &c.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
करूषः [karūṣḥ]   Dryness (?). निर्मलो निष्करूषश्च शुद्ध इन्द्रो यथाभवत् [Rām.1.24.21.]

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