करभः [karabhḥ] [कॄ-अभच्
[Uṇ.3.122;] करे-भाति भा-क
[Tv.] ]
The back of the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers; metacarpus, as in करभोपमोरूः
[R.6.83;] see करभोरू below.
The trunk of an elephant.
A young elephant.
A young camel; उष्ट्री च करभश्चेति Mbh. on
[P.I.2.66.] पृथ्वीरजः करभकण्ठकडारमाशाः (संविव्युः)
[Śi.5.3.] A camel in general.
A kind of perfume.
The hip.
-भी A she camel. -Comp.
-ऊरूः f. f. a lady whose thighs resemble the back of the fore-arm; अङ्के निधाय करभोरु यथासुखं ते
[Ś.3.2;] [Śi.1.69;] [Amaru.71;] or (according to another explanation), whose thighs resemble the trunk of an elephant; cf.