A Daitya who lived in Kṛtayuga. In Skanda Purāṇa there is a story that he conquered heaven, drove away the Dikpālakas, posted his own forces in their place and was finally killed by Devī. KALIṄGA I Ṛtāyu, King of Kaliṅga was present at the svayaṁvara of Draupadī. [Śloka 13, Chapter 185 Ādi Parva] . Rukmī played a game of dice with Balabhadra with the help of Kaliṅga (for details see under Rukmī). The sage Dīrghatamas begot a son of the wife of the aged and senile Kaliṅga and the boy was named Kakṣīvān [Sūkta 125, Anuvāka 18, Maṇḍala 1, Ṛgveda] . KALIṄGA II A warrior of the god Skandha. [M.B. Śalya Parva, Chapter 45, Verse 64] . KALIṄGA(M) (KĀLIṄGA) An ancient place in the south of Bhārata. Other details. (1) Arjuna visited this place while he was on a pilgrimage. [Śloka 9, Chapter 214, Ādi Parva] . (2) Kaliṅga was also included in the countries conquered by Sahadeva while he was on his victory march. [Chapter 31, Sabhā Parva] . (3) People from Kaliṅga presented Yudhiṣṭhira with gifts for the Rājasūya. [Śloka 18, Chapter 52. Sabhā Parva] . (4) Yudhiṣṭhira visited Kaliṅga while he was on a pilgrimage. [Śloka 4, Chapter 114, Vana Parva] . (5) Karṇa conquered Kaliṅga while he was on a victory march. [Śloka 8, Chapter 254, Vana Parva] . (6) Sahadeva defeated the King of Kaliṅga. [Śloka 24, Chapter 23, Udyoga Parva] . (7) Śrī Kṛṣṇa slaughtered the people of Kaliṅga. [Śloka 76, Chapter 48, Udyoga Parva] . (8) The people of Kaliṅga took part in the war between the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas. [Śloka 6, Chapter 20, Droṇa Parva] . (9) Paraśurāma conquered this place. [Śloka 12, Chapter 70, Dṛoṇa Parva] .