गान्धार m. (
1. One of the seven primary notes of music.
2. Minium [Page237-a+ 60] or red lead.
3. A country, (Candahar, between the north of India and Persia).
n. (
-रं) Gum myrrh
f. (
1. The wife of DHRITARASH- TRA mother of DURYODHANA.
2. One of the tutelary female deities of the Jainas.
3. A plant (Hedysarum alhagi.)
4. Prickly nightshade.
E. गान्ध the aggregate of
गन्ध smell, &c.
ऋ to go and
अण् affix; the note being said to be produced by pure and fragrant breath, &c.
गान्धारेय ROOTS:
गान्ध गन्ध ऋ अण् गान्धारेय
m. (
-यः) A name of DURYODHANA, the son of DHRI- TARASHTRA.
E. गान्धारी the name of the mother of this chief, and
ढक् aff.