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   { devavīti }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
DEVAVĪTI   daughter-in-law of king Agnīdhra. Pūrvacitti, the apsarā woman was the king's wife and they had nine sons called Nābhi, Kiṁpuruṣa, Hari, Ilāvṛta, Ramuka, Hirañjaya, kuru, Bhadrāśva and Ketumāla, and these sons married the following daughters of meru, viz. Merudevī, Pratirūpā, Ugradaṁṣṭrī, Latā, Ramyā, Syāmā, Nārī, Bhadrā and Devavīti. thus Devavīti became the wife of Ketumāla. [Bhāgavata, Pañcama Skandha] .


देववीति n.  (स्वा.प्रिय.) मेरु की नौ कन्याओं में से एक तथा अग्नीध्रपुत्र केतुमाल की स्त्री


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
देव—वीति  f. f. (°व॑-व्°) a feast or enjoyment for the , [RV.]
   N. of a daughter of मेरु and wife of a son of अग्नीध्र, [BhP.]

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