पात्र n. (
-त्रं) A preservative from sin, a preserver, a saviour.
E. पात्, and
त्र who or what saves.
पात्र mfn. (
-त्रः-त्री-त्रं) A vessel in general, a plate, a cup, a jar, &c.
n. (
1. A sacrificial vase or vessel, comprising various forms of cups, plates, spoons, ladles, &c. so used.
2. The channel of a river, or its course between the near and opposite bank.
3. A king's counsellor or minister.
4. Propriety, fitness.
5. A leaf.
6. The persons of a drama.
7. An order, a command.
8. The body. 9. A fit or competent person.
10. A measure of one Ārhaka or of eight Seers.
11. A receptacle of any kind, what holds or supports.
f. (
-त्री) A small or portable furnace.
E. पा to pro- serve or retain, aff.