बीज f. n. (also written
वीज, of doubtful origin;
ifc. f(आ). ) seed (of plants), semen (of men and animals), seed-corn, grain,
[RV.] &c. &c.
a runner (of the Indian fig-tree),
[Vcar.] any germ, element, primary cause or principle, source, origin (
ifc. = caused or produced by, sprung from),
[ChUp.] ;
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
the germ or origin of any composition (as of a poem, of the plot of a drama, of a magical formula &c.),
[R.] ;
[BhP.] ;
[Daśar.] ;
[Pratāp.] calculation of original or primary germs, analysis, algebra,
[Col.] truth (as the seed or cause of being),
[L.] आलम्बन anything serving as a receptacle or support (= ),
[Yogaś.] the mystical letter or syllable which forms the essential part of the
मन्त्र of any deity,
[RTL. 197 &c.] the position of the arms of a child at birth,
[BhP.] quicksilver (?),
[Sūryas.] marrow,
[L.] बीज m. m. =
बिजक, the citron tree,