Dictionaries | References


   { maṅgala }
Script: Devanagari


Puranic Encyclopaedia  | English  English |   | 
MAṄGALA   A deity in the form of Kuja or Planet Mars. There are different versions in the Purāṇas regarding the birth of Maṅgala.
(1) Satī committed suicide at the Dakṣayāga and Śiva greatly griefstricken at the loss of his wife started penance. A sweat drop fell from the forehead of Śiva doing severe penance and Maṅgala was the son born of that drop. Śiva then installed Maṅgala among the Navagrahas and according to the science of astrology this Graha is considered the protector of the landed property and the wife of a person. [Śiva Purāṇa, Rudra Saṁhitā 1-10] ;[Skanda Purāṇa 4-1-17] .
(2) Śiva married Vikeśī daughter of Hiraṇyākṣa. One day while they were engaged in sexual plays Agni came to their presence. Enraged at this the eyes of Śiva blazed with anger and a drop of hot water from his eyes fell on the face of Vikeśī and she became pregnant. After some days Vikeśī found it impossible to bear the embryo of Śiva thus formed and she aborted it. A child was born and the goddess of earth took it and fed it with breast milk. It was that child who later on became Maṅgala. [Skanda Purāṇa] .
(3) Maṅgala was born of the blood drops of Śiva. [Bhaviṣya Purāṇa] .
(4) Maṅgala was the son of Bharadvāja. [Gaṇeśa Purāṇa] .
(5) Maṅgala was the son of Bhūmidevī. Devas, sages, Brāhmaṇas, Manus and Gandharvas all worshipped Bhūmi at the time of Varāhakalpa. It is also said in the Vedas that Bhūmidevī is the wife of Mahāviṣṇu's incarnation as Varāha. Maṅgala alias the planet Mars was born to Bhūmidevī of Mahāviṣṇu as Varāha. [9th Skandha. Devī Bhāgavata] .


नेपाली (Nepali) WN | Nepali  Nepali |   | 
   See : हित, कल्याण, कुशलता


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मङ्गल  f. n. (accord. to [Uṇ. v, 70 fr.] मङ्ग्) happiness, felicity, welfare, bliss (also pl.; ifc.f(). ), [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c.
  mfn. anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (e.g. a good omen, a prayer, benediction, auspicious ornament or amulet, a festival or any solemn ceremony on important occasions &c.; cf.mfn. below), [Kauś.] ; [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c.
   a good old custom, [PārGṛ.] ; [Mn.]
   a good work, [MBh.] ; [BhP.]
   (in music) a partic. composition, [Saṃgīt.]
   N. of the capital of उद्यान, [Buddh.]
मङ्गल  m. m.N. of अग्नि, [Gṛhyās.]
   of the planet Mars, [L.]
   of a king belonging to the race of मनु, [Cat.]
   of a बुद्ध, [Lalit.]
   of a poet, [Cat.]
   of a chief of the चालुक्यs, ib.
   the smell of jasmine, [L.]
मङ्गल  mfn. mf()n. auspicious, lucky, [Hcat.]
   having the scent of jasmine, [L.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मङ्गल [maṅgala] a.  a. [मङ्ग्-अलच्; [Uṇ.5.7] ]
   Auspicious, lucky, propitious, fortunate; मङ्गलदिवसः, मङ्गलवृषभः &c.
   Prosperous, doing or faring well.
   लम् (a) Auspiciousness, propitiousness; जनकानां रघूणां च यत् कृत्स्नं गोत्रमङ्गलम् [U.6.42;] [R.6.9;1.67.] (b) Happiness, good luck or fortune, bliss, felicity; भद्रं भद्रं वितर भगवन् भूयसे मङ्गलाय [Māl.1.3;] [U.3.48.] (c) Wellbeing, welfare, good; सङ्गः सतां किमु न मङ्गलमातनोति [Bv. 1.122;] (also m. in these senses).
   A good omen, anything tending to an auspicious issue.
   A blessing, benediction.
   An auspicious or lucky object.
   An auspicious occasion or event, a festivity.
   Any solemn or auspicious ceremony or rite (such as marriage).
   Any ancient custom.
   (In music) A particular composition.
   लः The planet Mars.
  N. N. of Agni.
   ला, ली A faithful wife
   Dūrvā grass.
  N. N. of Durgā. -Comp.
-अक्षताः   (m. pl.) rice thrown over persons by Brāhmaṇas when pronouncing blessings.
-अगरु  n. n. a variety of sandal.
-अयनम्   the way to happiness or prosperity; परममङ्गलायनगुणकथनोऽसि [Bhāg.5.3.11.]
-अलंकृत a.  a. decorated with auspicious ornaments; आददे वचसामन्ते मङ्गलालंकृतां सुताम् [Ku.6.87;] [M.1.14.]
-अष्टकम्   a benedictory verse or verses repeated by priests over a youth and maiden, when being married, to promote their good luck.
   अह्निकम् any daily religious rite performed for good luck.
   a vase full of water carried in front of a procession.
   आचरणम् an auspicious introduction in the form of a prayer (for the attainment of success) at the beginning of any undertaking or of any work of composition.
   pronouncing a blessing.
   आचारः an auspicious or pious ceremony or usage.
   a benediction, pronouncing a blessing.
   (in music) a particular composition.
-आतोद्यम्   a drum beaten on festive occasions.
-आदेशवृत्तिः   a fortune-teller; [Ms.9.258.] -आरम्भः an epithet of Gaṇeśa.
-आलम्भनम्   touching anything auspicious.
-आलयः, -आवासः   a temple.-आवह a. auspicions.
-इच्छा   benediction, felicitation.-इच्छु a. desirous of happiness or prosperity.
-करणम्   repeating a prayer for the success of any undertaking.-कलशः a vessel used at festivals.
-कारक, -कारिन् a.  a. auspicious.
-कार्यम्   any festive occasion, a religious or auspicious ceremony.
-कालः   an auspicious occasion; [Ś.4.]
-क्षौमम्   a silken cloth worn on occasions of festivity; दधतो मङ्गलक्षौमे वसानस्य च वल्कले [R.12.8.]
-गृहम्   an auspicious house or temple.
-ग्रहः   an auspicious planet.
-घटः, -पात्रम्   a pot filled with water offered to the gods on festive occasions.
-चण्डिका, -चण्डी  N. N. of Durgā; मङ्गलेषु च या दक्षा सा च मङ्गलचण्डिका [Brav. P.]
-छायः   the plakṣa tree.
-तूर्यम्   a musical instrument, such as a trumpet, drum &c., played on festive or auspicious occasions; सुखश्रवा मङ्गलतूर्यनिस्वनाः [R.3.19.]
-देवता   an auspicious or tutelary deity.
-ध्वनिः   an auspicious music (at the time of some festival).
-पत्रम्   a leaf serving as an amulet.
-पाठकः   a bard, minstrel, professional panegyrist; आः दुरात्मन् वृथामङ्गलपाठक शैलूषापसद [Ve.1.]
-पुष्पम्   an auspicious flower.
-पूजित a.  a. honoured with a sacrificial offering.
   प्रतिसरः an auspicious cord or string, the auspicious thread worn by a married woman round her neck as long as her husband lives; अन्त्रैः कल्पितमङ्गलप्रतिसराः (अङ्गनाः) [Māl.5.18.]
   the cord of an amulet.
-प्रद a.  a. auspicious. (-दा) turmeric.-प्रस्थः N. of a mountain.
-मात्रभूषण a.  a. decked in auspicious ornaments only, such as the auspicious thread, saffronmark &c.; सितांशुका मङ्गलमात्रभूषणा [V.3.12.]
-मालिका   marriage-music.
-वचस्  n. n.,
-वादः   a benedictory or congratulatory expression, benediction, blessing. -वादिन्a. expressing blessings or congratulations, wishing joy.
-वाद्यम्   see मङ्गलतूर्य.
-वारः, -वासरः   Tuesday.
   विधिः a festive or auspicious rite.
   preparations for a festival.
-वृषभः   an ox with auspicious signs.
-शब्दः   greeting, a benedictory expression.
-समालम्भनम्   an auspicious unguent.
-सूत्रम्   see मङ्गलप्रतिसर.
-स्नानम्   a solemn or auspicious ablution.
-स्वरः   a sea-shell.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मङ्गल  mfn.  (-लः-ला-लं)
   1. Lucky, fortunate, prosperous, faring well or happily.
   2. Brave.
  n.  (-लं)
   1. Happiness, good-fortune.
   2. Preserving property, taking care of what has been gained.
   3. Prudence, care- fulness.
   3. A good woman.
   4. Festivity.
   5. Turmeric.
   6. An ancient custom.
  m.  (-लः)
   1. The planet MARS.
   2. Burnt offering on various occasions of rejoicing.
  f.  (-ला)
   1. A name of UMĀ, the wife of ŚIVA.
   2. A bent grass, (Panicum dactylon,) with white blossoms. 3. A virtuous and obedient wife.
   4. The mother of the fifth Jina or Jaina teacher SUMATĪ.
   5. A species of Cæsalpinia.
   E. मगि to go, अलच् Unādi aff.
मगि अलच्

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