Dictionaries | References


Script: Devanagari
See also:  मां , मांई , माई , माउली , मावली


A dictionary, Marathi and English | Marathi  English |   | 
   A mother. 2 A name of Lakshmí.


Aryabhushan School Dictionary | Marathi  English |   | 
  f  A mother. Generally in poetry.


 क्रि.वि.  नको ; नाहीं . तेह वेळीं मा - भणौणि न घसरें चालतां । दुनी देहुडी आंगें घालितां । - शिशु ५६२ .
   आम्ही . - मुधो . ( अर .)
   नकार . न यावया मा जिभ लाज ना दे । - आविश्वा २३ .
   माता ; आई .
   लक्ष्मी ; विष्णुपत्नी . भंगे अश्वत्थामा अश्वत्था मा क्वचित सदा हरिला । - मोविराट ५ . ३८ . [ सं . मातृ ; प्रा . माइ , माउ ]
   ना ; होय ना ? ( प्रश्नार्थक अव्यय ). तुम्ही बकाकरवीं चांदिणें । चरऊं पहा मा । - ज्ञा ११ . १५६ .
   मग ; नंतर . मा एक जन्म येथें दीजोका । मा काई होइल ते पाहिजे । - चक्रधर सि . सू . सूर्योरात्री पा मारील । मां आपणया उदो करील । - अमृ ६ . २१ .
०साहेब  स्त्री. राणी ; राजमाता .
   जरी ; यद्यपि . तान्हेलया मृगतृष्णा । न भल्या सीण जे सणा । मा भेटलया कोणा । काय भेटलें । - अमृ ७ . २१० .
   तरी पण . मा चंद्रासि उणें । स्फुरतें कां । - अमृ ७ . १७२ .
   तर मग . तेवीं हरिभक्तां देहाचा अभावा । मा काळ कणवा घालील घावो । - एभा २ . ६८३ . [ सं . ]


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मा  f. af. a mother, [L.]
   measure, [L.]
-त्व  n. authority (n.), [Nyāyam.]
   light, [L.]
   knowledge, [L.]
   binding, fettering, [L.]
   death, [L.]
   a woman's waist, [L.]
मा  n. 1.ind. (causing a following छ् to be changed to च्छ्, [Pāṇ. 6-1, 74] ) not, that not, lest, would that not, [RV.] &c. &c.
मा नो वधीर् इन्द्र   a particle of prohibition or negation = Gk.μή, most commonly joined with the Subjunctive i.e. the augmentless form of a past tense (esp. of the aor.e.g., do not slay us, O इन्द्र, [RV.] ; मा भैषीः or मा भैः, do not be afraid, [MBh.] ; तपोवन-वासिनाम् उपरोधो मा भूत्, let there not be any disturbance of the inhabitants of the sacred grove, [Śak.] ; often also with स्मe.g.मा स्म गमः, do not go, [Bhag.] cf.[Pāṇ. 3-3, 175;  176] in the sense of, ‘that not, lest’ also यथा माe.g.यथा मा वो मृत्युः परि-व्यत्का इति, that death may not disturb you, [PraśnaUp.] ; or मायथाe.g.मा भूत् काला-त्ययो यथा, lest there be any loss of time, [R.] ; मा न with aor.Subj. = Ind, without a negative e.g.मा द्विषो न वधीर् मम, do slay my enemies, [Bhaṭṭ.] cf.[Vām. v, 1, 9] ; rarely with the augmentless impf. with or without स्मe.g.मै-नम् अभिभाषथाः, do not speak to him, [R.] ; मा स्म करोत्, let him not do it, [Pāṇ. 6-4, 74] Sch.; exceptionally also with the Ind. of the aor.e.g., मा कालस् त्वाम् अत्य्-अगात्, may not the season pass by thee, [MBh.] ; cf.[Pāṇ. 6-4, 75] Sch.)
मा नो हृणीताम्   or with the Impv. (in, [RV. only viii, 103, 6] , [[SV.] हृणीतास्] अग्नि॑, may अग्नि not be angry with us; but very often in later language e.g.मा क्रन्द do not cry, [MBh.] ; गच्छ वा मा वा, you can go or not go, ib.; रिपुर् अयम् मा जायताम्, may not this foe arise, [Śāntiś.] ; also with स्मe.g.मा स्म किं चिद् वचो वद do not speak a word, [MBh.] )
मा यमम् पश्येयम्   or with the Pot. (e.g., may l not See यम; esp.माभुजेम in [RV.] )
मा भूयात्   or with the Prec. (only once in , may it not be, [R. [B.] ii, 75, 45])
मा त्वां शप्स्ये   or sometimes with the fut. (= that not, lest e.g., lest I curse thee, [MBh.] cf.[Vop. xxv, 27] )
मा जीवन्यो दुःखदग्धो जीवति   or with a participle (e.g., he ought not to live who lives consumed by pain, [Pañcat.] ; गतः स मा, he cannot have gone, [Kathās.] ; मई-वम्प्रा-र्थ्यम्, it must not be so requested, [BhP.] )
   sometimes for the simple negative (e.g.कथम् मा भूत्, how may it not be, [Kathās.] ; मा गन्तुम् अर्हसि, thou oughtest not to go, R; मा भूद् आगतः, can he not i.e. surely he must have arrived, [Amar.] )
मा शब्दः   occasionally without a verb (e. g. or शब्दम्, do not make a noise, [Hariv.] ; मा नाम रक्षिणः, may it not be the watchmen, [Mṛcch.] ; मा भवन्तम् अनलः पवनो वा, may not fire or wind harm thee, [Vām. v, 1, 14] ; esp. = not so e.g.मा प्रातृद, not so, O Pr°, [ŚBr.] ; in this meaning also मा मा, मा मै-वम्, मा तावत्)
   in the वेद often with (मो॑-) = and not, nor (e.g.मा॑ मघो॑नः प॑रि ख्यतम् मो- अस्मा॑कम् ऋ॑ष्णाम्, do not forget the rich lords nor us the poets, [RV. v, 65, 6] ; and then usually followed by षु॑ = सु॑e.g.मो- षु॑ णः नि॑रृतिर् वधीत्, let not on any account destroy us, i, 38, 6)
स्म मा   in [ŚBr.] - मो॑ स्म = neither - nor (in a prohibitive sense).
मा   2.cl. 3. P.मि॑माति (accord. to [Dhātup. xxv, 6] Ā.मिमीते, [SV.] मिमेति; Pot.मिमीयत्, [Kāṭh.] ; pf., मिमाय; aor.अ॑मीमेत्Subj.मीमयत्; inf.मा॑तवै॑),
to sound, bellow, roar, bleat (esp. said of cows, calves, goats &c.), [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] :
Intens., only pr. p.मे॑म्यत्, bleating (as a goat), [RV. i, 162, 2.]
मा   3.cl. 2. P. ([Dhātup. xxiv, 54] ) माति;
cl. 3. Ā. (xxv, 6) मि॑मीते;
cl. 4. Ā. (xxvi, 33) मायते (Ved. and ep. also मिमातिPot.मिमीयात्Impv., मिमीहि; Pot.मिमेत्, [Br.] ; pf.ममौ॑, ममे, ममिरे॑, [RV.] ; aor.अ॑मासिSubj.मा॑सातै, [AV.] ; अमासीत्Gr.; Prec.मासीष्ट, मेयात्, ib.; fut.माता; मास्यति, मास्यते, ib.; inf.मे॑-मै॑, [RV.] ; मातुम्, [Br.] ; ind.p.मित्वा॑, -मा॑य, [RV.] &c. &c.),
to measure, mete out, mark off, [RV.] &c. &c.;
to measure across = traverse, [RV.] ;
to measure (by any standard), compare with (instr.), [Kum.] ;
(माति) to correspond in measure (either with gen., ‘to be large or long enough for’ [BhP.] ; or with loc., ‘to find room or be contained in’ [Inscr.] ; [Kāv.] ; or with and instr., ‘to be beside one's self with’ [Vcar.] ; [Kathās.] );
to measure out, apportion, grant, [RV.] ;
to help any one (acc.) to anything (dat.), ib., i, 120, 9;
to prepare, arrange, fashion, form, build, make, [RV.] ;
to show, display, exhibit (अमिमीत, ‘he displayed or developed himself’, iii, 29, 11), ib.;
(in phil.) to infer, conclude;
to pray (याच्ञा-कर्मणि), [Naigh. iii, 59] :
Pass.मीय॑ते (aor.अमायि);
to be measured &c., [RV.] ; &c. Caus., मापयति, °ते (aor.अमीमपत्, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 93] , Vārtt. 2 [Pat.] ),
to cause to be measured or built, measure, build, erect, [Up.] ; [GṛS.] ; [MBh.] &c.:
Desid.मित्सति, °ते, [Pāṇ. 7-4, 54; 58] (cf.निर्-√ मा) :
Intens.मेमीयते[Pāṇ. 6-4, 66.]
मा   [cf.Zd.; Gk.μέτρον, μετρέω; Lat.mētior, mensus, mensura; Slav.mĕra; Lith.mērá.]
मा  f. 4.f. See under 4. , p. 771, col. 2.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
मा   r. 2nd. cl. (माति)
   r. 3rd cl. (मिमीते)
   r. 4th cl. (मायते)
   1. To mete, to measure.
   2. To be contained:
   with अनु prefixed, to infer, to con- clude;
   with उप, to resemble;
   with परि, to measure;
   with प्र, to be evidence or authority;
   with सम, to compare, to equalize.
मा   Ind.
   1. A prohibitive and negative particle.
   2. A particle imply- ing doubt.
   E. मा to measure, aff. क्किप्; this particle is chiefly prexfied to verbs, in the imperative mood, as माकुरु do not do, (any act.) &c.; it is also read sometimes, माङ् the final being redundant.
मा क्किप्; माकुरु माङ्
मा  f.  (-मा)
   1. LAKSHMĪ.
   2. A mother.
   3. A measure.
   4. An elephant.


संस्कृतम् (Sanskrit) WN | Sanskrit  Sanskrit |   | 
 verb  कस्यापि वस्तुनः विस्तरस्य घनत्वस्य वा परिमाणस्य साहाय्येन मापनानुकूलः व्यापारः।   Ex. सः वस्त्रं मीटर इति परिमाणम् अनु माति।
कार्यसूचक (Act)कर्मसूचक क्रिया (Verb of Action)क्रिया (Verb)
प्रतोलय परितोलय मानं निरूपय मानं ज्ञा
urdناپنا , تولنا , ماپنا , پیمائش کرنا
   See : लक्ष्मीः

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