वशिष्ठ m. (
-ष्ठः) VASHISṬHA, a Rishi or divine sage of the first order, he is also a Brahmādika, a Prajāpati, and one of the seven stars of Ursa Major.
E. अव before,
शास् to govern, to instruct, (the other saints,) aff.
क्त; the first vowel of the prefix rejected: also written
वशिष्ट and
वसिष्ट . अतिशयेन वशी इष्ठन् इनेर्लुक् . ROOTS:
अव शास् क्त; वशिष्ट वसिष्ट . अतिशयेन वशी इष्ठन् इनेर्लुक् .