व्य्-उष्टि a See
2.व्य्-√ उष्.
व्य्-उष्टि f. 1.f. the first gleam or breaking of dawn, daybreak,
[RV.] ;
[AV.] ;
[Br.] consequence, fruit, reward for (
gen. loc. , or
comp. ) requital (of good or evil),
[MBh.] ;
[Kāv.] &c.
grace, beauty,
[ChUp. iii, 13, 4] increase, prosperity, felicity,
[W.] स्तुति a hymn, praise (= ),
[L.] N. of
partic. bricks,
[ĀpŚr.] of a
partic. द्वि-रात्र,
ib.व्य्-उष्टि f. 2.f. taking food only every eighth day,
[L.] (
cf. उप-√ वस्).