शकल mn. mn. (in, [ŚBr.] also श॑कर, of doubtful derivation) a chip, fragment, splint, log. piece, bit, [TS.] &c. &c. (शकलानि √ कृ, with acc. , ‘to separate, divide, dissipate’ [Ragh.] ) a potsherd, [Mn. vi, 28] कृशानु-श्° a spark (in ), [Śiś. v 9] शकल n. n. a half, [Sāh.] (चन्द्र-श्°, the half-moon, [Kād.] ) a half-verse, [Ked.] the half of an egg-shell, [Mn.] ; [MBh.] &c. skin, bark, [Divyâv.] शल्क the scales of a fish (cf. , शल्कल), ib. कपाल-श्° the skull (in ) cinnamon, [L.] a kind of black pigment or dye, [L.] शकल m. m.N. of a man g. गर्गा-दि.