शयनम् [śayanam] [शी-ल्युट्]
Sleeping, sleep, lying down.
A bed, couch; शयनस्थो न भुञ्जीत
[Ms.4.74;] [R.1.95;] [V.3.1.] Copulation, sexual union. -Comp.
-अ (आ)गारः, -रम्, -गृहम् a bed-chamber, sleeping apartments.
-एकादशी the eleventh day of the bright half of Āṣāḍha when Viṣṇu lies down to enjoy his four months' repose.
-तलगत a. a. gone to bed, lying in bed.
-पालिका the (female) keeper of a (royal) bed.-भूमिः a bed-chamber.
-रचनम् the preparation of a bed (one of the 64 arts).
-वासस् n. n. sleeping garment.
-सखी a bed-fellow.
-स्थ a. a. being on a couch; शयनस्थो न भुञ्जीत
[Ms.4.74.] -स्थानम् a sleeping apartment, bed-chamber.