शिरस् n. n. (prob. originally शरस् = करस्; and connected with करङ्कq.v. ) the head, skull (acc. with √ दा, ‘to give up one's head i.e. life’; with √ धृ, or √ वह्, ‘to hold up one's head, be proud’; with Caus. of √ वृत् or with उप-√ स्था, ‘to hold out the head’, ‘acknowledge one's self guilty’ See शिरो-पस्थायिन्; instr. with √ ग्रह्, √ धा, √ धृ, वि-√ धृ, √ भृ, √ वह्, or √ कृ, ‘to hold or carry or place on the head, receive deferentially’; instr. with √ गम्, अभि-√ गम्, प्र-√ ग्रह्, √ या, प्र-णम् [√ नम्], नि-√ पत्, प्र-णि-√ पत्, ‘to touch with the head, bow or fall down before’; loc. with √ कृ or नि-√ धा, ‘to place on one's head’; loc. with √ स्था, ‘to be on or stand over a person's head, stand far above [gen.]’), [RV.] &c. &c. the upper end or highest part of anything, top, peak, summit, pinnacle, acme, [MBh.] ; [Kāv.] &c. the forepart or van (of an army), [Śiś.] the beginning (of a verse), [VarBṛS.] (ifc. ) the head, leader, chief, foremost, first (of a class), [BhP.] आपो ज्योतिर् आपो ऽमृतम् N. of the verse , [Baudh.] ; [Viṣṇ.] &c. इन्द्रस्य of a सामन् (also with ), [ĀrṣBr.] ; [Lāṭy.] of a mountain, [Buddh.] शिरस् [cf. शीर्षन्; Gk. κέρας, κάρη &c.; Lat. cerebrum for ceresrum, cornu; Germ. hirni, Hirn; Eng. horn.]