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   { samudga }
Script: Devanagari


  पु. ( नृत्य ) ओंठ वर उचलणें .


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समुद्ग  m. am. (of doubtful derivation; for सम्-उद्ग See below) the point of a bud (in अर्क-स्°q.v.)
  f. a round box or casket (said to be also n.; ifc.f(). ), [Yājñ.] ; [VarBṛS.] ; [Kathās.]
   a round form of a temple, [VarBṛS.]
   (in rhet.) a kind of paronomasia (in which a verse or part of a verse identical in sound but different in meaning is repeated), [Kāvyâd. iii, 54-56]
सम्-उद्ग  mfn. bmfn. (for समुद्ग See above) going up or rising together, [W.]
सम् उद्ग


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समुद्ग [samudga]   a.
   Rising, ascending.
   Completely pervading.
   Having a covering or lid.
   Having beans.
   द्गः A covered box or casket; शुक्लंश्चन्दनकल्कांश्च समुद्गेष्वव- तिष्ठतः [Rām.2.91.75;] चित्तादर्शं निधातुं महितमिव सतां ते समुद्गायमाने । वृत्ताकारे विधत्तां हृदि मुदमजितस्यानिशं जानुनी नः ॥ Viṣṇupāda. [S.19.]
   A round form of a temple.
   A kind of artificial stanza; [Kāv.3.54-56;] see समुद्गक below. -Comp.
-यमकम्   (in Rhet.) making an artificial arrangement of words in such a manner as to make different parts of a stanza correspond in sound though they differ in meaning; see यमक.


Shabda-Sagara | Sanskrit  English |   | 
समुद्ग  mfn.  (-द्गः-द्गा-द्गं)
   1. Who or what rises or goes up.
   2. Who or what pervades entirely.
   3. Having a cover or lid.
   4. Having beans. m. (-द्गः)
   1. A casket, a covered box.
   2. A stanza in which two or more of the PĀDAS correspond in sound, though in a different sense.
   E. सम् and उद् before गम् to go, aff. ड .
सम् उद् गम् ड .

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