स्विद् n. 1.ind. (prob. fr. 5.सुइद्; cf. कुविद्) a particle of interrogation or inquiry or doubt, often translatable by ‘do you think?’ ‘perhaps’, ‘pray’, ‘indeed’, ‘any’ (esp. used after the interrogative क and its derivatives e.g. कः स्विद् एषाम् ब्राह्मणानाम् अनूचान-तमः, ‘pray who [or ‘who do you think’] is the most learned of these ब्रह्मन्s?’ [ŚBr.] ; but also without another interrogative e.g. त्वं स्विन् नो याज्ञवल्क्य ब्रक्मिष्ठो ऽसि, ‘do you think याज्ञवल्क्य, you are the greatest Brāhman among us?’ ib.; also used after उत, अपि, आहो, and उता-हो, and disjunctively in the first or second or both parts of a double interrogation, thus: किंनु-स्विद्; किंस्विद्-स्विद्; स्विद्-स्विद्; स्विद्-उता-हो; नु-स्विद्; स्विद्-नु; स्विद्-उत; स्विद्-वा; स्विद्-किमु; स्विद्-किम्-नुकिम्; sometimes making a preceding interrogative indefinite e.g. क्व॑ स्विद्, ‘anywhere’; क॑ स्विद्, ‘whoever’, ‘any one’; similarly with यद्e.g. यद् स्विद् दीयते, ‘whatever is given’ [MaitrS.] ; sometimes apparently a mere expletive), [RV.] ; &c. स्विद् 2.cl. 1. Ā. 4. P. ([Dhātup. xviii, 4; xxvi, 79] ) स्वेदते or स्विद्यति (Ā. स्विद्यते, [Yājñ.] ; p. स्विद्यमान, [Suśr.] ; pf. सिष्वेदGr. ; सिष्विदे, [MBh.] ; p. सिष्विदान॑, [RV.] ; aor. अस्विदत्, [Śiś.] ; fut. स्वेत्ता, स्वेत्स्यतिGr. ; ind.p. -स्वेदम्, [Br.] ), to sweat, perspire, [AitĀr.] ; [ChUp.] ; KātyŚr.; [MBh.] &c.; ( स्वेदते), to be anointed, [Dhātup.] ; to be disturbed (?), ib. : Caus. स्वेदयति ( aor. असिष्विदत्), to cause to sweat, treat with sudorifics, [Suśr.] ; to foment, soften, [SāmavBr.] : Desid. of Caus. सिस्वेदयिषति, Gr. : Desid. सिस्वित्षति, ib. : Intens. सेष्विद्यते, सेष्वेत्तिib.स्विद् [cf. Gk. ἱδρώς; Lat. sūdor, sUdare; Angl.Sax. swât; Eng. sweat; Germ. Schweiss, schwitzen.] स्विद् 3. (ifc. ) sweating, perspiring, [Śiś.]