नु n. 1.ind. (in, [RV.] also नू॑; esp. at the beginning of a verse, where often = + उ), now, still, just, at once so now, now then, [RV.] ; [AV.] ; [Br.] ; [Up.] indeed, certainly, surely, [RV.] &c. &c. नहि नु cf. [Pāṇ. 3-2, 121] Sch. (often connected with other particles, esp. with negatives e.g. , ‘by no means’, न॑किर् नु॑, ‘no one or nothing at all’, मा॑ नु॑, ‘in order that surely not’ ; often also घ नु, ह नु, इन् नु, नु कम् &c. [नू॑ चित्, either ‘for ever, evermore; at once, forthwith’ or, ‘never, never more’; so also नू alone, [RV. vii, 100, 1] ]; with relat. = -cunque or -soever; sometimes it lays stress upon a preceding word, esp. an interr. pronoun or particle, and is then often connected with खलु, [RV.] &c. &c.; it is also employed in questions, esp. in sentences of two or more clauses [cf. [Pāṇ. 8-2, 98] ; [Kāś.] ] where नु is either always repeated [[Śak. vi, 9] ] or omitted in the first place [ib. i, 8] or in the second place and further replaced by स्विद्, यदि वा &c., and strengthened by वा, अथ वा &c.) नु [cf. 1.न॑व, नू॑तन, नून॑म्; Zd. nū; Gk. νύ, νῦν; Lat. nun-c; Germ. nu, nun; Angl.Sax. nu, nū; Eng. now.] नु m. 2.m. a weapon, [L.] time, [L.] नु 3.cl. 1. Ā. नवते (नौति with अप), to go, [Naigh. ii, 14] : Caus. नावयति, to move from the place, remove, [ṢaḍvBr.] नु 4. or नूcl. 2. 6. P. ([Dhāt. xxiv, 26; xxviii, 104] ) नौति, नुवति, (pres. also न॑वते, °ति, [RV.] &c.; p. P. नुव॑त्, न॑वत्Ā. न॑वमान, [RV.] ; pf. नुनाव, [Kāv.] ; aor. अ॑नूनोत्, अ॑नूषि, °षत, अनविष्ट, [RV.] ; अनौषित्, अनावित्, अनुवीत्Gr. ; fut. नविष्यति, नुव्°; नविता, नुव्°, ib.; ind.p. -नुत्य, -नावम्, [Br.] ; inf. लवितुम्v.l. नुव्°, [Bhaṭṭ.] ), to sound, shout, exult; praise, commend, [RV.] &c. &c.: Pass. नूयते, [MBh.] &c.: Caus. नावयतिaor. अनूनवत्Gr. : Desid. नुनूषति, ib.; Desid. of Caus. नुनावयिषति, ib. : Intens. नो॑नवीति, नोनुमस् (impf. अनोनवुर्Subj. न॑वीनोत्; pf. नो॑नाव, नोनुवुर्, [RV.] ; नोनूयते, नोनोतिGr. ), to sound loudly, roar, thunder, [RV.] नु m. 5.m. praise, eulogium, [L.] नु 6. Caus. नावयति, to cause to be drawn into the nose, [Car.] (cf. 3.नव). नु 7. (ifc. ) = नौ, a ship, [BhP.]