DEVĪPĪṬHA The dead body of Satīdevī crumbled into small pieces and fell in different places in Bhārata. Each place where a piece of the dead body fell, is known by the name Devīpīṭha. There is a reason why the dead body crumbled into pieces. Dakṣa performed a sacrifice to which Śiva was not invited and Satīdevī came to the sacrifice, and committed suicide by jumping into the fire. Śiva who became furious, killed Dakṣa and carrying the dead body of his wife on his shoulder, walked the length and breadth of Bhārata like a mad man. It seemed that he was not going to recover from this mania, and the devas (gods) were worried at this. To rescue Śiva from this mental disposition, Mahāviṣṇu, unseen by others, followed Śiva with a bow and arrow. Whenever it was convenient Mahāviṣṇu sent an arrow at the body of Satīdevī, on the shoulder of Śiva. By the hitting of the arrows the body was crumbled into pieces and fell here and there. Thus within a few days the body of Satīdevī came to an end and Śiva walked to Kailāsa. The pieces of the dead body fell in 108 places, and thus 108 Devīpīṭhas came into existence. The names of the places and the names by which the Devī is known in such places are given below.
Devīpīṭha | Name of Devī |
1. Vārāṇasī | Viśālākṣī |
2. Naimiṣāraṇya | Liṅgadhāriṇī |
3. Prayāga | Kumudā |
4. Gandhamādana | Kāmukī |
5. Dakṣiṇa Kailāsa (Mānasa) | Kumudā |
6. Uttara Kailāsa (Mānasa) | Kumudā |
7. Gomanta | Gautamī |
8. Mandara | Kāmacāriṇī |
9. Caitraratha | Madotkaṭā |
10. Hastināpura | Jayantī |
11. Kānyakubja | Gaurī |
12. Malayācala | Rambhā |
13. Ekāmrapīṭha | Kīrtimatī |
14. Viśva | Viśveśvarī |
15. Puṣkara | Puruhūtā |
16. Kedārapīṭha | Sanmārgadāyinī |
17. Himavatpṛṣṭha | Mandā |
18. Gokarṇa | Bhadrakarṇikā |
19. Sthāṇvīśvara | Bhavānī |
20. Villvaka | Villvapatrikā |
21. Śrī Śaila | Mādhavī |
22. Bhadreśvara | Bhadrā |
23. Varāhaśaila | Jayā |
24. Kamalālaya | Kamalā |
25. Rudrakoṭi | Rudrāṇī |
26. Kālañjara | Kālī |
27. Śālagrāma | Mahādevī |
28. Śivaliṅga | Jalapriyā |
29. Mahāliṅga | Kapilā |
30. Mākoṭa | Mukuṭeśvarī |
31. Māyāpurī | Kumārī |
32. Santāna | Lalitāmbikā |
33. Gaya | Maṅgalā |
34. Puruṣottama | Vimalā |
35. Sahasrākṣa | Utpalākṣī |
36. Hiraṇyākṣa | Mahotpalā |
37. Vipāśa | Amoghākṣī |
38. Puṇḍravardhana | Pāṭalā |
39. Supārśva | Nārāyaṇī |
40. Trikūṭa | Rudrasundarī |
41. Vipula | Vipulā |
42. Malayācala | Kalyāṇī |
43. Sahyādri | Ekavīrā |
44. Hariścandra | Candrikā |
45. Rāmatīrtha | Ramaṇā |
46. Yamunātīrtha | Mṛgāvatī |
47. Vikoṭa tīrtha | Koṭi |
48. Mādhavavana | Sugandhā |
49. Godāvarītīrtha | Trisandhi |
50. Gaṅgādvāra | Ratipriyā |
51. Śivakuṇḍa | Śubhānandā |
52. Devikātaṭa | Nandinī |
53. Dvāravatī | Rukmiṇī |
54. Vṛndāvana | Rādhā |
55. Madhurā | Devakī |
56. Pātāla | Parameśvarī |
57. Citrakūṭa | Sītā |
58. Vindhya | Vindhyādhivāsinī |
59. Karavīra | Mahālakṣmī |
60. Vināyaka | Umādevī |
61. Vaidyanāthatīrtha | Ārogyā |
62. Mahākāla | Maheśvarī |
63. Uṣṇatīrtha | Abhayā |
64. Vindhyaparvata | Nitambā |
65. Māṇḍavya | Māṇḍavī |
66. Maheśvarīpura | Svāhā |
67. Chagalāṇḍa | Pracaṇḍā |
68. Amarakaṇṭaka | Caṇḍikā |
69. Someśvara | Varārohā |
70. Prabhāsa | Puṣkarāvatī |
71. Sarasvatī | Devamātā |
72. Mahālaya | Mahābhāgā |
73. Payoṣṇī | Piṅgaleśvarī |
74. Kṛtaśauca | Siṁhikā |
75. Kārttika | Atiśāṅkarī |
76. Varttaka | Utpalā |
77. Śoṇasaṅgama | Subhadrā |
78. Siddhavana | Mātā (Lakṣmī) |
79. Bharatāśrama | Anaṅgā |
80. Jalandhara | Viśvamukhī |
81. Kiṣkindhaparvata | Tārā |
82. Devadāruvana | Puṣṭi |
83. Kāśmīramaṇḍala | Medhā |
84. Himādri | Bhīmā |
85. Kapālamocana | Śuddhi |
86. Kāyāvarohaṇa | Mātā |
87. Śaṅkhoddhāra | Dharā |
88. Piṇḍāraka | Dhṛti |
89. Candrabhāga | Kalā |
90. Acchoda | Śivadhāriṇī |
91. Veṇa | Amṛtā |
92. Badaryāśrama | Urvaśī |
93. Uttarakuru | Auṣadhi |
94. Kuśadvīpa | Kuśobhā |
95. Hemakūṭa | Manmathā |
96. Kumuda | Satyavādinī |
97. Aśvattha | Vandanīyā |
98. Vaiśravaṇālaya | Nidhi |
99. Vedapatana | Gāyatrī |
100. Śivasannidhi | Pārvatī |
101. Devaloka | Indrāṇī |
102. Brahmaloka | Sarasvatī |
103. Sūryabimba | Prabhā |
104. Mātṛloka | Vaiṣṇavī |
105. Satītīrtha | Arundhatī |
106. Rāmatīrtha | Tilottamā |
107. Citta | Brahmakalā |
108. Jīvaśarīra | Śakti |
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