उद्-√ युज् 1.P. Ā. -युनक्ति,
-युङ्क्ते (
inf. -युजे॑,
[AV.] ) to join, be in contact with,
[AV. vi, 70, 2] ;
to get off or away, go away,
[ŚBr. iv, 1, 5, 7] ;
[Lāṭy.] ;
to go near, undergo, prepare;
to make efforts, be active,
[MBh.] ;
[Kathās.] ;
[Daś.] :
Caus. -योजयति, to excite, incite, make active or quick, stimulate to exertion,
[MBh.] ;
[Hariv.] ;
[R.] उद्-युज् f. 2.f. endeavour, striving after,