Dictionaries | References उ उपजप् { upajap } Script: Devanagari Meaning Related Words उपजप् A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 उप-√ जप् P.-जपति, to whisper (कर्णे, or कर्णम्, into anybody's ear), [MBh.] ; [R.] ; to bring over to one's own party (by secretly suggesting anything into the ear); to instigate to rebellion or treachery, [MBh. xii, 2633] ; [Mn. vii, 197] ; [Daś.] ; [Kathās. &c.] ROOTS:उप √ जप् उपजप् The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit English Rate this meaning Thank you! 👍 उपजप् [upajap] 1 [P.] To whisper into the ears of (another), win over to one's party by secretly suggesting anything in the ear; अङ्गारवर्षं राजवधायोपजप्य [Dk.14;] क्षत्तारं कुरुराजस्तु शनैः कर्णमुपाजपत् [Mb.] (Hence) to instigate to rebellion or treachery, conspire with; उपजप्यानुपजपेत् [Ms.7.197.] To commit mischief. Comments | अभिप्राय Comments written here will be public after appropriate moderation. Like us on Facebook to send us a private message. TOP