पश्चात् [paścāt] ind. (Used by itself or with gen. or abl.)
From behind; from the back; पश्चाद् बद्धपुरुषमादाय
[Ś.6;] पश्चादुच्चैर्भवति हरिणः स्वाङ्गमायच्छमानः
[Ś.4.] 1/2 (v. l.)
Behind, backwards, towards the back (opp. पुरः); गच्छति पुरः शरीरं धावति पश्चादसंस्तुतं चेतः
[Ś.1.33;3.7.] After (in time or space), then, afterwards, subsequently; लघ्वी पुरा वृद्धिमती च पश्चात्
[Bh.2.6;] तस्य पश्चात् 'after him';
[R.4.3;12.7;16.29;] [Me.38,46.] At last, lastly, finally.
From the west.
Towards the west, westward. -Comp.
-अहस् ind. in the afternoon.
-उक्तिः repetition.
-कृत a. a. left behind, surpassed, thrown into the back-ground; पश्चात् कृताः स्निग्धजनाशिषोऽपि
[Ku.7.28;] [R.17.18.] -घाटः the neck.
तापः repentance, contrition; ˚पं कृ to repent.
(In dram.) repentance at something rejected or omitted from want of judgment.-भागः a. whose conjunction with the moon begins in the afternoon.
गः hind-part.
west side.
-वातः a west-wind.