अतिग [atiga] a. a. [गम्-ड] (in comp.) Exceeding, going beyond, transcending, excelling, surpassing; सर्वलोक˚
[Mu.1.2;] किमौषधपथातिगैरुपहतो महाव्याधिभिः
[Mu.6.16.] by diseases defying the powers of medicine, past the stage of physicking; बाणैर्देहातिगैः
[R.12.48] piercing through their bodies; वयो˚
[Ms.7.149] advanced in years, aged; संख्यातिगाः संपदः
[Bh.3.132;] वपुःप्रकर्षेण जना- तिगेन
[Ki.3.2.] अतिगण्डः 1 N. of a star of the 6th lunar asterism.
A large cheek or temple.
One who has large cheeks.