अभि-√ ख्या 1. (Subj. 1. 2. 3. sg. -ख्यम्, -ख्यस् and -ख्य॑स्, -ख्य॑त्; impf. 3. sg. अभ्य्अ॑ख्यत्; ind.p. -ख्या॑य) to see, view, perceive, [RV.] ; to cast a kind or gracious look upon any one, to be gracious, [RV.] ; (impf. 3. pl. अभि॑ अ॑ख्यन्), [TS.] : Caus. -ख्यापयति, to make known, [Mn. &c.] अभि-ख्या f. 2.f. a gracious look, [RV. x, 112, 10] splendour, [RV. i, 148, 5 & viii, 23, 5] beauty, [Ragh.] &c. fame, glory, [Kathās.] telling, [L.] ‘calling, addressing’, a name, appellation.