अभिजित् [abhijit] a. a. [अभि-जि-क्विप्]
Victorious, conquering completely. पराभिजिद्गन्धनगन्धवाहः
[Rām.6.19.12.] Helping in conquering completely.
Born under the constellation अभिजित्
[P.IV.3.36,] see अभिजित. m.
N. N. of Viṣṇu.
N. N. of a sacrifice, part of the great sacrifice called गवामयन; (यजेत) अभिजिद्विश्वजिद्भ्यां वा
[Ms. 11.75,] also used for अतिरात्र q. v.
N. N. of a star; N. of one of the lunar mansions.
Name of a son (Hariv.) or the father (V. P.) of Punarvasu. n.
The 8th Muhūrta of the day, mid-day (fit for a Śrāddha ceremony).
N. N. of a लग्न favourable to setting out. -Comp.
-मुहूर्तः The 8th Muhūrta or period comprising 24 minutes before and 24 minutes after noon.
-विश्वजितौ the two Soma-sacrifices Abhijit and Viśvajit.