Pride, haughtiness, conceit, opinionativeness. v बाळग, भोग, वाह. 2 Conscious feeling towards; apprehension or view of as self, or as belonging to or connected with self; maintaining or holding with engagedness of heart and soul. v धर, बाळग. Ex. देहाभिमान or देहाचा अ0 जीवात्मा धरितो. In this sense many elegant and expressive compounds are formed; but, as the number is indefinite and the variation but slight, they cannot be inserted in alphabetical order: still, that the method of combination may be seen, and the ability to combine be acquired, the following few examples are introduced and explained. अधिकाराभिमान Pride of office; कुला- भिमान Pride of birth or family; जात्यभिमान Pride of caste; देशाभिमान Glorying in or zeal for one's country; national pride, patriotic ardor, patriotism; भक्ताभिमान, दासाभिमान, पुत्राभिमान &c. Warmly espousing or making personal the cause of a worshiper, a servant, a son &c.; मता- भिमान Fond maintenance of one's own notions; opinionativeness. धनाभिमान, विद्याभिमान, शास्त्रा- भिमान &c. 3 Claim laid to; pretensions set up to; profession made of; pride indulged or merit arrogated upon. v धर, बाळग, भोग, मान, कर, वाह. 4 It corresponds well with our words Honor, proper pride, lofty sense of propriety, noble feeling.