Dictionaries | References


   { avāñc }
Script: Devanagari


A Sanskrit English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवाञ्च्  mfn. mfn.आङ्, आची, आक् (fr.2.अञ्च्), turned downwards, being or situated below, lower than (abl.), [RV. iv, 25, 6] ; [AV. x, 2, 11] ; [ŚBr. xiv]
अवा   (more correctly -ञ्च्, also) southern, [Daś.]


The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary | Sanskrit  English |   | 
अवाञ्च् [avāñc] a.  a. [अवाञ्चति अव-अञ्च्-क्विप्]
   Turned downwards, bent down, stooping; कुर्वन्तमित्यतिभरेण नगानवाचः [Śi.6.79;] वनान्यवाञ्चीव चकार संहतिः [Ki.14.34.]
   Being or situated below, lower than (with abl.) यदवाक् पृथिव्याः [Bṛi. Up.3.8.3.]
   Headlong, looking downwards.
   South. m., n. Brahman.
   ची The south.
   The lower region.

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